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India & Pakistan: 2025, Challenges and Channels of Unity!

India and Pakistan have a prominent historical significance. Both countries, when united, once covered a large geographical area of Asia, hence was named SUBCONTINET before. Actually, it was not only the matter of land area, but it was also about our culture, traditions, lifestyle and religion. Before partition, there was a huge diversity of culture, religious norms and ways of lifestyle; everyone having its own distinction, but, it isn’t necessary that change/distinction is always acknowledged/appreciated, sometimes, it is disapproved too, and this disapproval towards distinction led to separation of Pakistan from India.

At present after 68 years of independence, we are still the same. India and Pakistan have made great progress, but we are still fighting with our similar basic issues of food, un-employment and shelter. Both nations are developing in economy and international relations but their own relations are getting worse with each passage of day. Tension of LOC, Cold-wars, Kashmir issue, water irrigation problem and extremist attacks have interrupted in peace process/talks between governments of India and Pakistan. Political issues have badly affected the minds of people, specially growing youth.

‘’HERO OF A NATION, IS A VILLAIN TO ANOTHER ONE’’ In this modern technological era, Media is the need of every individual, either its E-Media ,Print Media or Social Media(Internet), they are said to be the mirrors that gives reflection of everything. Its up to media-person to portray the facts and let this global society know about it, so that no one could left behind. But, what about our Media? The Media of our countries shouldn’t be lesser blamed for deteriorating peace process between Indo-Pak. Media of both countries always portray the news of Indo-Pak ties with a touch of rivalry. Especially when it comes to LOC Tension, Cricket issues , Water problem and Cold wars. They usually point out each other as wrongdoer. Media is thought to reflect the right and fair side of everything, but the role our media is playing, is not appropriate and acceptable, neither in the terms of international affairs nor in global peace. Our media should avoid to indulge in such nasty acts for improving their rating, rather they should try to utilize their role for positive acts. Media is scattered in many ways in every single corner of the world, specially Internet. It is one of those kind of media, that is accessible and needed to every single person in this world. With the means of Internet, we can really make some difference, specially by changing the minds of people. Rather than posting negative and hate speech type content, we should move for positive side. To engage our communications with Peace activists of Indo-Pak, Making new friends across the border, joining different forums and communities that are specially made for Indo-Pak peace process, blogging and going through different blogging sites can be really accommodating to sweep out the negativity from people’s mind. It is known that while getting into one to one conversation with people across the border, can be partially pleasant and disheartening too. Isses like Kashmir, LOC Tension and wars will always be there to interrupt in peaceful talks, but they can’t be avoided because they are not minor issues, that can be neglected, they are major historical issues of the past, that we have to overcome in the present with our positive attitude.

Along with Social Media, we have also a dimension of print media. Print media is in the reach of every single person. Our Morning seems incomplete without newspaper. So, by making the right use of Print media, we should regularly go through the news related to Indo-Pak and also try to write our own articles reflecting our noble desire of creating peace between indo-pak. Editorial staff is requested to encourage young minds for such noble initiatives and not to publish any kind of detrimental content in their newspaper.

Besides, getting engaged with modern needs and technologies, we shouldn’t forget our history that is always present in our mind. Issues like Kashmir, Kargil War, War of 1965 and 1975 have left dreadful impacts on the minds of people in both countries. It is the only reason, that doesn’t lets people to move ahead for genuine peace process between both countries. Well, whatever happened in past, should be forgotten and not to be repeated. Whatever happened in the past, is not of worth to be discussed in forthcoming time. What will be the change, if we the young minds of 21st century would also carryout our life with such negative content. Who will take the lead to establish sustainable peace. Someone has take the charge, and why not to present onself at the place of that SOMEONE.

Due to internal issues, business and trade has also moved to the lower pace. Export and import is also seemed to be completely end soon. But if this will come to an end, then peace process will also end. So, governments and traders are suggested and even requested to give a push to trade and commerce. Exchange of vegetables and other goods can benefit both nations can strengthen economic structure, trade and commerce and political relations as well.

While taking about similarities and sustainable peace between India and Pakistan, we should seek inspiration from European countries, where the currency is euro in every EU country. Additionally there is no any kind of violation of peace in bordering countries at there. Infact, no any news have ever been heard about bordering countries around the world, as like we usually hear about India and Pakistan. When taking inspiration about education , economical strength and political strategies from these countries, then why don’t we learn some lesson from their peaceful relations with their neighbors. When these countries don’t give anyone chance to of violation of peace, then why shall we do such? Another way of overcoming the challenges is face to face meeting of people with eachother across the border. It is really sad to say that it is hard to imagine for people across the border, that they can easily get the visa of their neighboring country. Due to political issues, there is also restrictions on easy access of Visa, that has badly affected the comfort of people. Before partition Many people would have passed their childhood in india, many people would have their best friends at there, many relatives and many stories related with all these people. But it feels sad to say that if a person across the border meets with a child in a meeting, he come to see him as an young in his next meeting, if he meets with any of his elder in a meeting, he prays for his high ranks at his grave in his next visit. Now it can be easily imagined, how much this issue has badly impacted on people’s life. Moreover, people in both nations are really fond of visiting each others country. People of India are fond of beauty , Urdu language, food and tourist spot of Pakistan, while Pakistani people are keenly interested to meet with Indian film-stars, Diversity in their culture and etc. Everyone has desire to visit their neighbouring country once, atleast once in their life. But, Visa issues doesn’t let them to do so. Many young minds ,who are willing to play their role as a bridge for creating peace are highly interested to have exchange visits between each others country . So, governments are requested to not to restraint more this visa issue and let people visit each other easily, so that they could easily feel the essence of their childhood life and other prints of life that they have left in their bordering country before partition.

The elements that can be highly effective in improving ties genuinely is our Television industry. TV Serials of India and Pakistan are highly appreciated and watched with keen interest. Indians are fond of Pakistani stories while Pakistanis are fond of the climax in Indian serials. Zindagi channel should be given applause for taking a major step in this aspect. By broadcasting the serials of each others country, we can get to know each other much better. We can have the first-hand knowledge about each others life and issues. So, this will definitely draw help us to draw another sketch of neighboring country, which will be totally positive and strong. Moreover, TV Stars of both nations should also use their role for this. They should work with directors of each others country and to work in serials that involve both Pakistani and Indian celebrities. Indeed, TV Celebrities are the ambassador of their country. TV industry and production house should broadcast their soaps with positive message, so that positivity could be spread in the minds of people.

Apart from Historical wars of 1965 and 1971 , there is still a war that has never came to any end , that is Cricket war. Well, its not a war in that sense, but unknowingly people take it very serious as like the matter of war. Whenever there is Cricket match between Indo-Pak, stadiums are overly filled with audience, many Talk shows are broadcasted on Television, Many Analyst and Former cricketers share their experiences of cricket matches with their neighbors(country). People from both nation take this as a matter of pride. They don’t want to lost any single chance, to show pride and superiority. But, no any benefit has been received yet from highlighting this negative aspect of cricket matches. Why not to think about the ways to utilize this in positive way. Cricket matches on the basis of T20 Tournaments should be held between both countries. Additionally, in the matches, the players of both countries can also be exchange to each others countries, that means both team would comprise of both Pakistani and Indian cricketers.

Talking about the role of every individual towards indo-pak, it is compulsory that they should be taught in that manner to work for peace. Youth’s mind is like a blank paper. It acts upon what he is transcript in his mind. It’s really sad to know that the our youth is not taught to think beyond history, they are insisted to act according to their history and whatever their historical leaders has said. It isn’t wrong to follow one’s nation leader, but it is also not right to continue our life, mindsets and acts according to the history. It isn’t right to destroy our peaceful ties with our neighboring country on the basis of some mistakes in past. Taking a brief look at our text books, we’ll come to have a lot of unsuitable content, that is really harmful for our youth. It is agreeing that history is necessary for everyone to know about this, but they way it is utilized and implemented in our life is not suitable. By the means of history, we should learn to not to repeat the same mistake that we have had done in our past. Maybe what happened in past, was not a mistake, but situations and compulsions of that time should also be kept in the mind. Situation of today and past are comparatively different, then why do we mingle both of them with each other. If we’ll also repeat the same mistake, then what will be the change between our present and past.

So, it is requested to teachers and editorial staff of text books to not to publish such kind of content which can become the reason of hate speech . Youth’s mind should be filled with positive and peaceful message so that they don’t feel any difficulty to play their role as a positive global leader in their forth-coming time.

In conclusion, governments of India and Pakistan are also pleaded to move forward for peace-process. It was a kind gesture of Indian government to have Ms.Sushma swaraj being a part of ‘’HEART OF ASIA CONFERENCE’’. By exchange of delegations, a mutual understanding can be made, by which cold-wars can be reduced to some end. Moreover, every Indian and Pakistan has keen desire to have a fun-filled cricket matches between Indian and Pakistani cricket matches, but this tournament doesn’t seems to happen, due to presence of some extremist elements and lack of mutual understanding b/w both cricket boards.

Those who are at war with others, are not at peace with themselves-William Hazlit By improving ties between India and Pakistan, we can also contribute our role for global peace.

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